A Scottish friend of mine called Amir Abadi came up with what rather seems like curious information and observation during my latest post of the El Chupacabra.
Try to pause the video at the moment when the thingy-thing looks at the camera, you will see glowing eyes and some blood marks or signs of swelling around it's lips...that's what I told him regarding the possibilities of what "this" actually is.
He hurled up to me and told me this information:
"It could be many things...this one might be an assumption"
Out of 6.2 billion people on this planet....
One must have been camping the forests of Catalonia...
And this dude must have been having a juicy chocolate cake at hand...
This cake had peanuts in it...
and the pathetic geezer was allergic to peanuts...
so his lips swell...
He then went and decided to lay a brick...
Taking into account...The weather is hot in Spain in summer time, so he decided to got topless...
Taking all the shayt (Scottish pronunciation of the word "shit") out of his system...
So these 2 faggots come and ask for help while filming the as-good-as-dead geezer...
he turns at them and they go hilter-skelter...
There you go...a hell of an assumption!
All hail king Amir!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Amir's Humour Possibility "El Chupacabra (Part 1)"
Posted by Mohammad Younes at 3:35 PM 0 comments
El Chupacabra (Part 1)
Hopefully, my first cryptid review of a creature called El Chupacabra which is Spanish for The Goat Sucker, this name though was derived from the fact that it used to prey on cattle and sheep at night to suck their blood.
This creature is the most cryptid being sighted frequently though it's status remains unconfirmed and that it is one of a kind creature that doesn't look like any which makes it unmistakable from others.
Height: ranging between 4 to 6 feet.
Weight: Unknown.
First Sighted: 1995
Last Sighted: Present Day
Believed to be: The only animal that was mistaken with the El Chupacabra is a coyote which is infected with mange disease making it hairless and weird looking, yet this remains unsure.
Location: Central and South America, one case was reported in the deserts of Saudi Arabia.
Appearance: Now, there are many reportings as of how it looks like, some actually described the Chupacabra to look exactly like Golum who is in the famous movie "The Lord of The Rings" others drew sketches which I saw personally and that resembled "The Predator" monster in the movie of the same title, the most real one however is a dog looking like animal with a long pointed head believed to be hairless at times,which is frequently distinguished as a mange-infected dog, The appearance has yet to be confirmed by cryptozoologists.
The widely famous video footage of the Chupcabra is in the Catalonian region of spain shot on June 11th,2006, where 2 hikers are photographing what seems like a long white feathery wing which is rumored to be that of a fallen angel (I don't think so personally) with some pints of blood around it, what I think is that the creature might have hunted a bird down or just preyed on a decomposed one ( I really don't know any explanation of what is the exact reason for the big white feather wing to be there though people say that the El Chupacabra featured in this video is a fallen angel).
Anyway, as they are searching around for some more evidence for the bloody feather, they hear some noise from around some bushes, after that they spot a skinny like creature which actually looks like me when I was young (yes its very skinny like my childhood, but definitely doesn't look human), it's position was facing down to the ground as if bowing to somebody, it also looks like as if it's eating something from the ground motionlessly, they keep the camera pointed at it until it turns around and faces them...and my God when it does that, where they run like there was not tommorow.
This is the video:
Spooky right?
As for the last video in "The Mysterious Hitchhiker" post 2 days earlier, it was easy to spot any fakes in it, but this one was pure class in photography, and getting any signes of whether it is fake or not was semi-impossible, but here are my opinions:
1) What you saw is not confirmed as the El Chupacabra because some people say it is an ordinary man taking a dumb (dumb my bottom while your at it people!) and others say its a fallen angel.
2) The randomness of the feather with the sighting itself...two completely different things, and that feather is way big for any bird.
3)The thing doesn't look human at all, regardless of its glowing eyes (human eyes glow on nightvision or IR also), what makes it not a Homo Sapien is the fact that it has no nose and that there is blood on its mouth unless a crazy asshole went cannibalistic.
4) The creature was motionless, now I don't really know how they usually act like.
5) The wide variety of videos (later to be posted) and images believed to be the real El Chupacabra.
This is it for this video, I hope I didn't frighten you with this one. Keep reading for other parts to come about Chupacabras.
Posted by Mohammad Younes at 4:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ghost boy caught in a Hollywood movie
In 1987, The movie "Three Men and a Baby" had been released, and this movie was one of the most famous movies back in the 80's, I first watched this movie on MBC2 channel about three years ago, about more than 1 hour into the movie I saw a figure in front of the window of the protagonist's house which actually looks like a boy who is frozen into his place looking at the camera.
Now I don't actually have any clues of what exactly is this entity, but definitely its not human, it doesn't look like one, it looks like a boy wearing a long sleeved white T-shirt and black pants.
It has been rumored from other sources that this was a ghost of a 9-year-old boy who committed suicide in the same house the movie was shot in, and that the boy's mother went mental after hearing this and was sent to an asylum...well people have the freedom of speech don't they?!
In this clip you are about to see now are 2 interesting moments you will see, the first one is when a shotgun like figure appears in front of the same window that the ghost appeared in later, the second one is the actual boy who appeared on the window, you can notice that the shotgun-like figure is not longer there.
at 0:06, shotgun appears black colored and pointed down to the ground
at 0:35-0:38, the actual figure appears to be staring at the cameraman
After you have watched this, you may know what really is this thing and if it is another internet or editing hoax...well, I have cutting evidence for this...
Notice the black shotgun between them
A more clearer picture of the shotgun
The Boy appears in the shotgun's spot
This is pretty weird actually, there is no way a Hollywood movie is edited in anyway to give a glimpse or a code to people to think of something, and while on my research I haven't found anything that can state this. However, some say that this is actually a cardboard cut-out of the actor himself who appears in the clip above, see the picture below which shows the cut-out and this is not featured in the movie itself but was copied from another source.
The actor (right) with his self's cut-out (left)
That concludes it all, but one thing remains a mystery, what's up with the shotgun being replaced by the cardboard cut-out in such a short time interval of about 20 seconds?, and why a shotgun particularly? is it really a shotgun? I leave this to my readers...
Posted by Mohammad Younes at 9:37 PM 0 comments
The Mysterious Hitchhiker
This is hopefully my first explanation in this blog that deals with a strange incident that happened in Sintra,Portugal. I told myself it is better to start off with the explanation and brief details of the accident and then post the video followed by what I think of this accident.
In April 28th 2006, there were 3 teenagers on a trip in Sintra along a highway, 2 guys and 1 lady, one guy in the back filming with a video camera. They have this chit-chat along the way that evolves around their lost track and that they had no idea of where they are going, 5 minutes or so through the video, they hit the highway in which they stop for a female hitchhiker, the hitchhiker gets in and ask for a ride just a few miles up ahead. When she rides with them, the camera starts to distort continuously as if the hitchhiker had some electromagnetic or static effect on the camera, about 2 minutes later, she points out to the spot and says in portoguese translated into English "this is where I had an accident and died", and that is right when she looked at the cameraman and screamed, the car flips over killing both the guy and the lady in front. The cameraman survived the accident and was later unable to explain what happened in that mysterious accident.
Police later examined that the hitchhiker was believed to be a ghost of a girl named Teresa Fidalgo who had an accident on that same spot in 1983 and died, some also said that that was a blind curve in which many died in through the years and one which is known to be fatal.
I would appreciate anyone who could translate that web page for me, and now I am gonna list my own thoughts and explanations of this video and what proves it would be fake:
1. If you noticed, there were no other vehicles, no obstacles on the road at all. The car was on a straight road, travelling at low a speed and out of a sudden, it seems that the car just overturned.
2. Seems like the camera had been ‘dropped’ (I have strong urge to use the word ‘placed’) at a deliberate angle. It is doubtful that the camera actually remained intact (and running), with not even a scratch on its lens. The camera’s movement in this sense (a crash) is especially doubtful. The impact and manner of the ‘crash’ is also questionable.
3. The mobile phone image that kept appearing (and disappearing) and the slight ‘pixelation’ towards the end suggest that the video could have been edited. It is worth noting that the mobile phone was removed/simply disappeared just before ‘Teresa’ appeared. The mobile phone could have been used to produce the distortion effect on the camera. (It is possible to produce such effects depending on type of recording equipment and/or mobile network used.)
4. As for the blurry effect/distortion when the ‘Teresa’ entered the car. How i should i put it? You can try switching on/off your mobile phone (or make a call) right in front of a cam or even your CRT monitor. See the effects. (Don’t do this repeatedly, it damages your hardware component!) - This distortion, and the ‘pixelation’ towards the end, do not fit together. ‘Pixelation’ usually occurs when there are interference on digital equipment or due to some ‘post-production’ glitches. The effect when ‘Teresa’ entered the vehicle, however, suggests that an analog equipment could have been used instead OR the clip could have been post-edited. (I won’t go into details here but again I’d like to stress that it is possible to produce such effects depending on type of recording equipment and/or mobile network used. I use ‘could’ as I could be wrong too.
5. There are suggestions on other forums that this group of youths came from Brazil, not Portugal. (someone derived this from the variation of Latin which they used.)
6. A search on google and yahoo! did not indicate any official record of the 1983 accident in the first place. Most sites found boil down to local belief, rumour etc. There is no concrete evidence to even suggest that the 1983 accident, or this video, is authentic. (I probably did a lousy search. If anyone finds anything, please provide the link here. thanks.)
7. Personal experience and articles from professional paranormal groups have convinced me that it is unlikely to capture so-called ‘ghosts’ (in simple terms) in such solid human forms. It may appear to an individual as such but it is almost impossible to capture this on camera. In most instances, ‘ghosts’ are often captured on cameras as ‘orbs’, shadows, balls/flashes of lights etc.
8. The information about David’s survival, how the police found the video and how ‘Teresa’ died at the same spot… All these were gathered SOLELY from the subtitles of the clip.
9. Last but not least, these are of course, my personal opinion. I’d very much appreciate any comments or links to sites that indicate otherwisePosted by Mohammad Younes at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Another Day, Another Spooky Blog!
As for one of my interests that I picked up from the past couple of years was studying abnormal things and phenomena going on in this world, I like doing research on various kinds of phenomena to determine whether they are true or whether they are just another hoax.
So, I decided to get a go with my new blog for such things, it might sound ridiculous for some of you who don't believe in these things, and not just because I am writing this that means I believe in them, no, its not like that, its just my point of view and the existence of such things.
In this blog, I am gonna go as far as explaining various kinds of happenings including: Spirits, Jin, Cryptids (oh yes!), UFOs, and mysterious or unidentified encounters.
This might not be right for you if you just don't like reading or have the hard thought in your minds that such things are urban legends. If you are younger than 18 or weak-hearted then I advice you to close down this website and go check my personal blog instead as this will include videos and pictures that might just not be appropriate for youngsters.
I will hopefully start posting new topics very soon as I am brain storming for topics and researches to make.
Posted by Mohammad Younes at 5:07 PM 0 comments