Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mexican UFO footage

The first UFO(Unidentified Flying Object) review and probably the most recent encounter that happened back in 2004, I first saw this on Al-Jazeera Channel being broadcasted as breaking news, There are 2 of those hovering over the clouds of what seems like glowing lights (brightly glowing and big enough for it to falsely consider it as a ship or another aircraft.)... So as I said, this is real, it happened, showed on news including CNN and also on newspapers.

No matter what you think of UFOs or flying saucers...they are damn real and their is a long wide theory behind them...I can drag you right now and show you a real NASA confidential footage, but this isn't what I am talking about here, its the real encounter over Mexican skies.

Just try to imagine where do they come from?...just tell me...from outer space or from earth itself? some say from Area 51, is that true? we don't know...but what we know is that they come from the outside can be mesmerized by the hugeness of the universe we live in that has countless number of galaxies, planets and stars, and you already know that man himself couldn't really reach those 3... Mars and the moon are still enough for us in the meantime.

You be the judge and you tell me what you I totally believe this footage myself.